Here I have collected together some of the most common questions I receive, and their answers.
Can I make a donation to you/your research?
Have you looked at Flat Earth Theories/Ideas/Videos?.
I can’t access RICHPLANET.NET ! What’s happened to it?
Have you heard of [Insert Name of Person or Group]?.
[Insert Name] has spoken out/said “such and such” about 9/11 – what do you think of that?
Can I send you images of Chemtrails?.
Can I send you an image or video of a UFO or “Strange Thing”?.
Have you heard of the Electric Universe Group/Theory?.
Have you seen that the Dome on Mars is, according to the EU folks, a Plasma Discharge Formation?.
Are you giving any talks/Can you do a talk?.
“ Where Did the Towers Go” (Book) Related Questions.
Is the book available in Electronic Form?.
Are there translations into other languages? Can I help with translation into another language??.
Have you heard of the [Insert Name] Free Energy Device or [Insert Name] Free Energy Inventor?
Can I make a donation to you/your research?
Donations are not requested or required, but I am happy to accept them if you feel you would like to make a donation. You can use this link to donate, or use the online shop to donate (instructions provided on checkout). Many thanks! You can also write to me at the address below
I can’t access RICHPLANET.NET ! What’s happened to it?
Your Internet Service Provider is probably blocking the site – this has happened several times before. It is due to them changing entries on their DNS servers to make your browser think the site no longer exists and/or it is completely offline. See this page for more information. Also, remember you can find some things on
Have you looked at Flat Earth Theories/Ideas/Videos?
If you have been fooled into thinking the Earth is flat because NASA faked the Moon Landings and that it hides data and doctors photos, please read the article at this link and do not write to me. Instead, study astronomy, trigonometry and navigation and you will realise you’ve been fooled.
Have you heard of [Insert Name of Person or Group]?
Please use the search feature first to see if I have mentioned them and also see the answer to the next question.
[Insert Name] has spoken out/said “such and such” about 9/11 – what do you think of that?
Again, you can search for their name on this site and see what comes up. Even after you have done this, please listen closely to what this person or group has said about 9/11. Have they mentioned the WDTTG book? Have they correctly described that the towers turned mostly to dust? Did they mention any of the anomalous evidence discussed here? If they mentioned none of these things, then they are either ignorant or misinformed, so perhaps you can contact them and direct them to the evidence – i.e. write to them, not me!
Can I send you images of Chemtrails?
Thanks – I no longer collect images of trails. If you’re interested in my conclusions relating to the phenomenon, please read the relevant chapters of my free book!
Can I send you an image or video of a UFO or “Strange Thing”?
Thanks – I don’t really investigate sightings or videos that much. There is usually not enough information to say what you saw, especially if it wasn’t at close range. Being honest, I am really only interested in sightings and photos like this one (The Maslin Beach case), which I discussed with David Cayton. I hope you can understand… there is plenty of evidence like this now. If your photos or video is/are as well documented and as clear as this case, I’d be interested to hear more!
As a general guide when evaluating UFO and anomalous images, the minimum information needed is as follows:
Essential |
Desirable |
Location |
Direction facing |
Date |
Camera Make and Model |
Time of Day |
Camera settings – focal length, aperture, sensor resolution |
Name of photographer |
Name of Witnesses |
Weather conditions – wind, temperature, precipitation. |
Environment (if not obvious from photo) – Coastal, Woodland, Town, City etc |
The less information available, the less analysis can be done…
Have you heard of the Electric Universe Group/Theory?
Yes, I am fairly familiar with the EU group and have followed their research for about 10 years or so. I have mentioned it in a couple of my talks. It also seems to tie in with the earth expansion evidence, at some level. Also, see Fredrik Nygaard’s articles – in particular, the posting about Jupiter.
The EU has a lot going for it, but again, they don’t want to talk about 9/11 much – based on my experience. But that’s a story for another time perhaps, although you can look on their forum.:
The EU folks, to me, won’t progress beyond a certain point until they acknowledge some other group already knows what they know and have engineered it. Same goes for most (all) of the free energy interest groups.
Have you seen that the Dome on Mars is, according to the EU folks, a Plasma Discharge Formation?
Yes, and I think they are wrong about this. Please see chapter 7 of my free ebook “Secrets in the Solar System, Gatekeepers on Earth”
Are you giving any talks/Can you do a talk?
I usually post talks on the home page of the site. Happy to receive invites! Bear in mind I live in the UK so if you wanted me to travel, there would be air fares, accommodation to cover. For more details click here.
Happy to be involved in a live group Skype presentation – we did that in Birmingham in 2016 as well. So that’s an option, perhaps. Getting an interested group together can be quite difficult though, believe me.
“ Where Did the Towers Go” (Book) Related Questions
Where Can I get it?
If you’re in Europe, you can click here, if you’re anywhere else in the world, click here.
Is the book available in Electronic Form?
The WDTTG book is not available in electronic form and never has been. Only the foreword/preface is available. Dr Wood was quite emphatic about not having an electronic version – for several reasons – one of which is that one engages with an electronic book in a different way to a paper book. Also, buying a heavy paper book means that one is more likely to make a commitment to reading it.
Are there translations into other languages? Can I help with translation into another language??
Translation is only half the issue with the book – it’s the printing and distribution which is harder – it is very expensive to get it printed and so a plan would need to be made as to how to sell enough books to recoup the cost of printing. Also, there have been ongoing attempts by disingenuous people to obfuscate and misrepresent the language and terminology used in the WDTTG book and any translation would need to be thoroughly verified to make sure the correct concepts were correctly conveyed in the translation. This would therefore need at least two translators to work on a translation, independently of one another. (If you can’t appreciate why this would be needed, please read “9/11 Finding the Truth” and “9/11 Holding the Truth.”)
Have you heard of the [Insert Name] Free Energy Device or [Insert Name] Free Energy Inventor?
Possibly – but search for the name of the person or device using the search box. Whilst I think there may be small scale development in a few “garage” and home based projects, it will never be large scale – if things stay as they are. The sad realisation I had in 2007 was that, as I said in that talk, free energy tech was weaponised decades ago. Those that have weaponised it have weaponised other advanced technologies. They use them to keep the status quo. That is why there has been no significant or large scale progress in these areas over the last 50 years. Again, as I said in my talk, this explains why Stan Meyer died and why Pons and Fleischmann’s research was never properly funded and essentially “faded away.”
It’s the same old story, to me – in my “Infinite Energy” presentation – which you may have watched?
These sorts of devices/projects are over 100 years old, from what I can tell… But the technology has been weaponised by the black world – and that is a big reason why we won’t get devices used outside the garage or very small community project. You can, for example, read Lost Science by Gerry Vassilatos.
Other Questions
Some of these may be answered if you read the “About” page on this site.
Contact me via regular post at:
22 Mear Drive
DE72 3QW