In the first video, I discuss the links below – as mentioned in the heading! Summary is that Dr David Hughes sent me a link to an interview he gave about his new book the COVID scam and he mentioned his current situation will become…

In the first video, I discuss the links below – as mentioned in the heading! Summary is that Dr David Hughes sent me a link to an interview he gave about his new book the COVID scam and he mentioned his current situation will become…
I took part in Elsa Scheider’s Truth Summit panel discussion – where each member was asked to spend about 90 seconds discussing their thoughts about the past and the future. This gave me an unexpected opportunity to challenge Richard Gage – who was also on…
I haven’t posted much about these, as it’s clearly all part of Agenda 21/2030 scam to implement more lockdowns, based on the climate change/global warming scam. Yet another fear-based set of militarised propaganda has been put out in this regard. See:… and………
I think Firstenberg makes many excellent points and some of them I made in my free book: Climate Change and Global Warming – Exposed: Hidden Evidence, Disguised Plans. However, I think he has “missed a trick” in relation to geoengineering – it’s been going on…
Just a 20-minute video summary of a few things that have caught my attention in the last few weeks!… www.checktheevidence…………………… Latest Hot Fusion Energy Scammery!! === Look at “Recent Posts” on the website :…
Richard D Hall has produced 2 new shows related to the “COVID” scamdemic. The first is an update on the Scamdemic and a look at more off grid living.… The second is a short film about the dangers of Smart Money or CBDC,…
Thanks to George for sending me this video, in which a reporter attempts to ask Greta a few simple questions, while she is in Stockholm He is only partially successful – and then he is blocked and pushed by 3 or 4 security guards. “Why…
It’s funny how things come together sometimes. Over this weekend, I have been tinkering around (as I occasionally do) with an old bit of hardware – a Nintendo Wii games console – which can now be easily hacked to make it do some “non-gaming things.”…
I was sent this by the composer, Martin Noakes… Though it isn’t a cheerful Solstice (Christmas) Sonata, it is accurate and some of what is mentioned in the song ties up with what is in my free Climate Change book – which discusses Agenda…
A chap called Dominick sent me this link this morning:… Before I read the article, I commented… “I am guessing it is still 20 years away…?” Of course I had to chuckle when I read the article: The UK government has…