Below, I include links I discuss in the latest video update I made. Just after I posted this, however, a chap called Matt sent me this.…
An example of lazy and superficial reporting. And Musk is probably just posturing with this. It shouldn’t be hard for him to find my free book (or MJ Craig’s). Not to mention it’s a rectangle, not a square, for heaven’s sake!
(See page 86 – and there are quite a few more anomalous images).
It would then lead you to this:…
It’s only 19 years old!
In the video update, I discuss an interview sent to me by Jon between Patrick Bet David and Steven Greer. It’s quite interesting, and Greer does get a bit of a grilling in one place from PBD regarding being offered $2 billion by Gen. Albert Stubblebine and he later admits that he (Greer) has “paid millions in taxes.” So he must’ve earned quite a bit then? Greer is very money-oriented and so it’s less surprising to me to learn (via what Trevor sent me) of his more recent association with Blake and Brent Cousins – brazen scammers who run a YouTube channel called “3rd Phase of Moon.” Here’s the links Trevor sent me.
The Hoax Files, episode 1, Third Phase of Moon EXPOSED!
Their film in which Greer appears:
In the video….
I give a quick update about Richard Hall (watch his most recent video).
Mention my article that has now been published in the German Nexus magazine (only partly viewable) – the first article I’ve had published here (or indeed in any similar magazine).
Full article:
Update on Bennu findings – supporting exploded planet hypothesis and perhaps Earth Expansion idea. (12 mins)
Advanced Ancient Man and the Petroglyph Mystery (16 mins)
Deepseek AI (15 mins)
But is it all hype and a Chinese PsyOp? (13 mins)
AI and the real history of St Petersburg (9 mins approx.)
Why Bitcoin is the ONLY Thing That Can Prevent Currency Collapse (10 mins)
Trump inauguration speech | FOX 5 News (30 mins)
Trump mentions a Mars mission and …:
“And we will pursue our Manifest Destiny into the stars, launching American astronauts to plant the Stars and Stripes on the planet Mars.“
…. “They crossed deserts, scaled mountains, braved untold dangers, won the Wild West, ended slavery, rescued millions from tyranny, lifted billions from poverty, harnessed electricity, split the atom, launched mankind into the heavens and put the universe of human knowledge into the palm of the human hand.”
Meet the Navy Scientist with UFO Patents (2hrs)
Salvatore Pais doing limited Hangouts – promoting Dolan/Farrell – praying for an “external threat” (aliens) to unite people?
Whistleblower reveals UAP retrieval program; object caught on video | NewsNation (42 mins)
UFO Crash Retrieval Insider: Jake Barber Speaks Out (Exclusive Interview) (3 hrs+)
“BIGGER Than The Nuclear Bomb” – Dr. Steven Greer REVEALS Suppressed Energy Tech & Biden UFO Truths (1hr 50 mins)
Updates on Jake Barber
A friend sent me the original Jake Barber interview on News Nation asking my thoughts (I’ve not watched the Jesse Michels interview, see below why it’s not worth 3 hrs of my time) so I did some research on the actual paperwork they show in the video proporting to be his “bonafides”, I paused the video and made a list of what the paperwork showed, along with some thoughts on it all. it’s a bit long, but it shows his story and service record is not accurately portrayed by the newsnation team, it’s hyped up beyond belief and debunked by the paperwork they actually show in the video:-
Ariel Achievement Award – 24/1/98 to 20/3/98 Sustained meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight (awarded 9/6/99) for operations in Oman with 4404th Airlift Squadron Ops group, 30 missions
Senior Airman Jacob Gary. Barber
Air Force Achievement Medal for outstanding achievement 11/11/96 During Joint Readiness Training Fort Polk, Louisiana. While performing Night Guard His heroic actions resulted in the rescue of security policemen who had driven their vehicle into a… he found the driver unconscious and the passenger with an open fracture to his leg….etc
Airman 1st Class completed…*at control indoctrination course Lackland airforce base Texas (The Pararescue/Combat Rescue Officer (CRO) Indoctrination Course at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas is a 10-week course that trains future Pararescue jumpers (PJs) and CROs. The course is also known as “Hell Week” ) Mandatory selection…
Upon graduation, students obtain approval to complete the two year Pararescue training course, called “The Pipeline”
Pipeline entry date 24/2/95
Cert of Discharge
Last Duty Assignment 41AS (AMC) (which only seems to use fixed wing aircraft)
Grade/Rank SRA, paygrade E4
[Senior airman (SrA) is the fourth enlisted rank in the United States Air Force, just above airman first class and below staff sergeant. The rank designation is the same for male and female. It has a pay grade of E-4. ]
Primary Speciality: C2A551J Aerospace Maintenance 5yr 10mth
Date entered 29/10/94
Separation Date 28/10/2000
Effective date of pay grade: 11/3/97
Flight Authorisation for a flight in CONUS 2/5/96 showing crew were security cleared for SECRET/NATO Confidential (video makes a big deal of this security clearance, but any mil flight crew would have this. Video voiceover states: “as these documents show, he was also recruited into airforce special operations, known as ‘Combat Control’ he says he ended up working in a non official capacity for the DOD and the intelligence community” [nonsense, the documents don’t show that at all]
Interviewer: “What were you?”
Answer “Ross I was a very talented air plane mechanic who got to deploy on a number of presidential support missions”
Video voice over while showing his authorisation for Paracute/Combat Control course (Pipeline course) “but Jake was no ordinary mechanic [yes he was] being recruited into the Air Forces elite Combat control unit meant he had a resume that reads like something out of an action thriller”
[No, CRO is the mandatory standard course for paracute rescue in the US Airforce (see wikipedia link above) and the paperwork showed he was only authorised to take the course, it’s pre course paperwork]
Voiceover continues “Helicopter Pilot, Free fall parachutist, expert marksman, and the recipiant of a NATO TOP SECRET security clearence.”
[BS, there’s no evidence he was a helicopter pilot in his paperwork, he was air crew, parachute training was part of his air crew CRO qualification (which he likely failed), he was trained in small arms, and the NATO thing on the flight authorisation paperwork said NATO Confidential not TOP SECRET
Voiceover continues “A legacy of his service in Bosnia where he won an award for an act of heroism”
Why are they bloating up his CV?
Video shows a form requesting info for AFAM medal done though FOI after he left the service, his award for an act of heroism, we already know from the earlier citation shown in the video was for attending a training accident at Fort Polk Louisiana so this Bosnia BS is complete misrepresentation, Bosnia ended in 98 so doesn’t even line up with his paperwork which shows zero Bosnia service.
If we look at the pipeline (CRO qualification) paperwork, entry dated 24/2/95 they make it look like he did pass pipeline, but his service record only says he was SrA, NOT CRO, and since pipeline is a 2 year course, and he was on sentry/security duty in fort Polk in Nov 95 to attend the accident he got a medal for, it’s clear he did not complete the pipeline course for full CRO, so I’d say it looks more like he passed the indoctrination course for CRO (basically a 10 week acquaint course to test suitability/fitness before the main 2 yr course, it has an 80% failure rate) but failed quite early in the actual 2 year CRO/Pipeline course and got sent back to his unit, 41AS (AMC) a fixed wing heavy lift transport unit that only uses fixed wing aircraft, as maintenance flight crew. There’s no paperwork showing he qualified as an actual CRO, his record doesn’t have a 2yr gap required for the full course, and he’s still working as air crew in Oman in 98 so NOT emplyed in CRO at all.
My thoughts on the “egg ufo/craft” (Mork calling Orson Nanu Nanu) :- It’s not heavy, it’s being carried by a single rope in a rope cargo net, it’s not a cable, so it’s not vey heavy. It rolls under it’s own weight at touchdown. it has no cover, why would they transport a UFO in plain sight without even a simple tarp to hide it? No ground crew to recieve the load, which suggests they’re not worried too much about the load, there’s no groundcrew with a static discharge pole to discharge the static electricity loads gain during helo flights, this is standard with military loads especially with electronically sensative or inflamable/explosive loads, always done on air to ship transfers for example to prevent damage to ship equipment see this pic for an example/discussion: aviation.stackexchan…
This does not look like any night vision image I have seen, military spec NV would be 3rd gen, this isn’t even 2nd gen, it’s grainy and poor quality/resolution (to hide detail?) in the video clip you can see shadows, this was shot in daylight with the green hue added in post edit. I would say it’s probably an art installation of a lightweight commissioned piece, most likely made from fiberglass, or paper mache. There are literally hundreds of examples of similar size art piece around the world on an image search for “large egg art piece”, tho I couldn’t find any being installed by helicopter.
Jake Barber is a fake IMO, commonly called a “Bloater” in UK military terms, i.e. he’s bloating up his service record, a hairy arsed air crew failed CRO pretending to be special forces, nothing to do with special forces, ever, and very unlikely to be recruited by any “elite” or 3 letter sneaky beaky agency, why would they choose him when they can recruit real special forces guys?
And then on 10 Feb 2025: