From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-29 21:58:08 This guy is a skeptic who doesn’t except the truth about 9/11. I take him to task…

From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-29 21:58:08 This guy is a skeptic who doesn’t except the truth about 9/11. I take him to task…
What hope is there… Yes Andrew, I know that you are obviously not Richard D. Hall. What a silly thing for you to suggest! I don’t ‘keep emailing you’ either, I’ve sent 5 including this one..At least get very basic facts straight, otherwise you’ll continue…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-26 20:50:08 …My lecture will be entitled: A Peak into Where your TV Licence Fee Goes….hpanwo-voice.blogspo…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2018-01-24 22:55:29 The Webhost decided to suspend my account as I had “too many files” in my “unlimited webspace”. I am moving the checktheevidence site, and hope to have things “back to normal” in the next 24-48 hours. Those wanting to download the…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-20 18:48:50 Great news, Andrew. Well done. It looks very interesting.
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2018-01-20 17:17:25 Attachments :I’ve been beavering away for quite a few weeks now and here is the result. Now available in PDF (free), Kindle and ePub as well as Paperback – please share as appropriate. Signed copies (some people ask me!) will…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-16 00:09:25 A new video I made with Kathy, aka “OYA 1100”. The whole of it in interesting, but this part is most…
From: Obadyah Hawkins Date: 2018-01-10 18:26:51… On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 10:55:45 AM CST, benthejrporter@hotma… [Cognoscence] wrote: …Now a new article has been published revealing that NASA are not entirely sure how to return to the moon…
From: Obadyah Hawkins Date: 2018-01-10 18:24:57… On Wednesday, January 10, 2018, 10:55:45 AM CST, benthejrporter@hotma… [Cognoscence] wrote: …Now a new article has been published revealing that NASA are not entirely sure how to return to the moon…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2018-01-10 16:55:42 …Now a new article has been published revealing that NASA are not entirely sure how to return to the moon…