From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 23:09:15 Thanks, Andrew. I’ve not seen this recording yet.

From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 23:09:15 Thanks, Andrew. I’ve not seen this recording yet.
From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 14:58:54 Hilary, yet another reason not to shop at the Great Satan. Every little doesn’t help. There was a brilliant documentary about secret facilities in the UK by Mark Thomas: Mark Thomas Secret Map Of Britain Mark Thomas Secret Map Of Britain The Mark…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 14:55:40 John Burroughs is going to be a guest on an upcoming HPANWO Show. I intend to give him a friendly, respectful and professional interview, but I will ask him about these matters. Nick Pope is doubtless the book’s primary author, but John’s…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 14:52:15 Thanks, RYF. It’s nice to see Passio talk about an optimistic subject. He tends to focus a lot of depressing and despondent matters.
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2014-08-29 08:57:49 From: Barry & Theresa [mailto:holyland@sacredconne…] Sent: 28 August 2014 18:22To: Barry and Theresa DunfordSubject: FWD: Increased mortality with conventional cancer treatment Yikes! Increased mortality with conventional cancer treatment Drug company controlled news reports and popular thinking have led cancer patients…
From: benthejrporter Date: 2014-08-29 01:30:28 HPANWO TV recording of the event:Ben Emlyn-Jones at High Wycombe Paranormal Ben Emlyn-Jones at High Wycombe Paranormal A live show by Ben Emlyn-Jones at the High Wycombe Paranormal Meet-up Group. A brand new lecture, never before performed, entitled Helen Duncan- the ……
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2014-08-28 23:37:17… This video is well-shot and well-edited. I’d like to thank all the people who helped organise that event and film it all etc. If you think the subject matter is as important I think it is, please “share it…
From: realiseyourefree Date: 2014-08-25 15:04:34 Hello everyoneThis video shows quite a compelling example of how infiltrators are working with both the military and mainstream media in the U.S and ramping up the fear and confusion, especially in the truth movement. One particular scene shows one of these Army infiltrators giving…
From: Hilary Kitching Date: 2014-08-22 17:08:06 The U.K equivalent of these ‘underground’ commercial storage facilities are RDC’s (Retail Distribution Centres), but are above ground as we all know. It is very strange to have an RDC underground, other than for the added bonus of it being ideal temperature…
From: Andrew Johnson Date: 2014-08-22 07:23:50 It seems we are hearing more about some of these underground facilities – for example, one site in the Ozarks was shown quite expensively a couple of Years ago in Jesse Ventura’s programme:… Warning! Alex Jones! :-) From: Sent:…