From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2011-04-20 22:28:28
In case of interest…. From: Frank Da Silva [mailto:crystaleagle@gmail.c…] Sent: 18 April 2011 22:30To: undisclosed-recipients:Subject: EARTH 2.0: INITIALIZATION – event at the Sci-Fi-London Dear all, Here 3 teasers for our up coming short film EARTH 2.0: INITIALIZATION: Teaser… Teaser… Teaser… The film comes in advance of a planned feature length documentary (EARTH 2.0: TIME TO UPGRADE) and introduces an eclectic ensemble of Earth 2.0 presenters. For more info please visit:… We will be screening the EARTH 2.0: INITIALIZATION at the Sci-Fi-London Film Festival on the 26th April 2011 at 6:15PM for a 6:30Pm start – Apollo Cinema, Lower Regent Street, Piccadilly – London. We will have an expert panel from the project after the screening with Q&A. Sci-Fi-London:… Apollo Cinema:… EARTH 2.0 on Facebook:… I will be looking forward to see you all there! Best, Frank FRANK DA SILVAProducer/DirectorEarth 2 Channel Ltd.frankdasilva@earth2c…