Please see clarification / additional info at the bottom.
From: Mark Graham [mailto:mgraham@ae911truth.o…]
Sent: Thursday, March 11, 2010 8:45 PM
To: Abrahm@Mindoutpsyde….
Subject: Abrahm, a message from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
I am writing to you on behalf of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to explain why we removed your name from our list of petition signers and to offer you a full refund of your generous donations.
We decided to remove you from our list of petition signers because, whether you knew it or not, we have chosen to carefully limit the scope of our message to the collapse of the World Trade Center and the need for a new investigation that would specifically consider the use of explosives in bringing it down. Our message is displayed on our website in the petition and mission statement. The evidence supporting our message is also found on our website, which I am sure you have seen since you signed our petition.
Your suggestion about contacting Judy Wood and engaging in a discussion with her about her theories about directed energy weapons and other things is a suggestion for action that is outside the scope of our message. We would lose more than we would again. If nothing else we would lose the time required to make such a contact and engage in a discussion / debate whose duration would be unknown. We are also well aware of Judy Wood and her theories. The reason we don’t support her or her theories is that they are outside the scope of our message.
There is a lot of evidence besides the characteristics of controlled demolition seen in the collapse of the Twin Towers and Building 7 that strongly suggests or proves that the official story of 9/11 is false. As you know 9/11 is a very complicated subject. Yet Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth deliberately avoids those topics. We leave it to others to make those arguments and present the evidence to the public, to Congress, and so on.
If you will tell us the total amount of your donations to us we will refund all of your money. You mentioned that you donated over $100. What is the exact amount, if you know it? Please provide your check numbers if you have them. We do not want to leave the perception or the reality that we have taken advantage of you financially.
Will you accept our offer of a refund as a complete and equitable solution to this situation?
Take care,
Mark Graham
Volunteer Coordinator
"Lastly, I should let you know that I recently messaged Richard Gage and AE911Truth to ask him to contact Dr. Judy
Wood, and as a result, I have been removed from the Petition Signers list on, despite the fact that I have donated over $100 dollars to Richard Gage and his organization over the past several months. As of the morning of March
4th, my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition, so it appears that I have been removed from the petition simply for asking about Dr. Judy Wood. This is very concerning, because I have not done anything wrong by asking Richard Gage to talk to Dr. Judy Wood and consider her research, yet has removed me from their petition simply for asking about her once in a private email. In addition, Richard Gage has never replied to any of my emails over the past several months, not even one of them, but Dr. Judy Wood has responded to several of my emails in just the last week. Oddly enough, Dr. Wood predicted that Richard Gage and Dr. Jones would ‘blacklist’ me for mentioning her, and she was right. "
From: Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez [mailto:abrahm@mindoutpsyde….]
Sent: 12 March 2010 03:41
To: ‘Mark Graham’
Subject: RE: Abrahm, a message from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
I HAVE DONATED AND SUPPORTED YOU VIGOROUSLY, AND YOU SILENTLY REMOVE ME FROM THE PETITION SIMPLY FOR ASKING RICHARD GAGE A QUESTION IN A PRIVATE EMAIL!?! Very professional. I bet treating supporters the way you have treated me is “within” the scope of your message?
A more appropriate response would have been to send me an email back saying “Dear Supporter, sorry, but your request is outside the scope of our message.” But instead, I was SILENTLY removed from the petition.
Why am I JUST NOW being told that my request was outside of the scope of focus, AFTER I was removed from the Petition?
I am sure you can understand why I am so upset.
By the way, regardless of whether you agree with Dr. Judy Wood’s conclusions about what brought the buildings down, why did AE911Truth not support her legal efforts to bring about 9/11 Truth? Her Qui-Tam whistleblower case, filed in 2007, made it all the way to the Supreme Court, yet Richard Gage has not even filed a Qui-Tam case yet. Why is that? What is he waiting for? Why didn’t he support Dr. Wood’s case, regardless of whether he agreed on her conclusion?
Proof of her case:…
I am extremely upset.
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M1 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology
From: Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez [mailto:abrahm@mindoutpsyde….]
Sent: 04 April 2010 11:18
To: ad.johnson@ntlworld….
Subject: RE: 9/11 DVDs
Hey Andrew,
One specific thing:
They removed me from the petition simply for messaging Richard Gage, in a private email, a question about Dr. Wood. I asked Richard Gage if he had ever heard of her or her research, and if he would be willing to contact her to collaborate and help support her legal cases.
I never heard back, and was deleted from the petition.
I just wanted to clarify this, because I had not yet begun posting about Dr. Wood in the forums. It was not until after I was removed from the petition that I began posting, and THEN, after I had posted for several days and weeks, that they finally emailed me and tried to offer me a refund.
Key point: They could contact me to offer me a refund, but they couldn’t reply to my thoughtful email that was intended to help Richard Gage and AE911Truth.
Just wanted to clarify J
Thank you for posting it
Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M1 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology