From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2009-12-19 23:05:27
#ygrps-yiv-2104895980 v0003a* { } #ygrps-yiv-2104895980 v0003a* { } Thanks to Rita for Forwarding this (more youtube links below). ——-Original Message——- From: JamesG Date: 12/19/09 21:57:06 To:… Subject: [ECETI News] Norway Spiral Explained ECETI on Norway SpiralThe Norway Lights despite the mainstreams desire to make it something ordinary was extremely extraordinary. I have seen many missile launches go bad and they are not symmetrical, they are usually yellow in color and like a runaway balloon when released they do not take a steady course. The Russian Ministry of Defense stated it was not their rocket launch they were two separate events. They may have succumed to pressure later to say it was their rocket due to the masses needing a within the box explaination. I believe the old swamp gas and weather balloon explainations have given way to rockets, meteors or space stations. Why would Russia launch a rocket with a possible nuclear warhead over President Obama? Why would they launch it over the Climate Gate meetings with so many world leaders? Are they trying to trigger WW3? Why would they on this occasion break all standards which are to launch their test missiles out to sea in the opposite direction? The other inside information which is often leaked on purpose as disinformation is saying it is HAARP or Project Blue Beam. We all know what happens to those who leak inside information only to find themselves eating a lot of crow later. My first impression which is usually accurate is a worm hole created by ultradimensional technology. It could have been directed at the Russian Missile Launch because the ETs have made it very clear they will not allow a nuclear war. It could have also have been a message that their are beings watching with technologies far superior to ours. My gut feeling is something came in, something beyond our imagination and it is going to affect us in subtle ways building to a grand crescendo. http://www.dailymai worldnews/ article-1234430/ Mystery-spiral- blue-light- display-hovers- Norway.htmlNorway Missile Launch look at the similarities, “Humor” com/watch? v=8J5PWIgRSOM com/watch? v=icJOjKwn_ 7Y com/watch? v=ul5526xEIGU com/watch? v=XiLA6XtAqvM com/watch? v=-hJFGWZNnkk >> Ultradimensional: Video of 3 UFO Sightings Over Norway (Jan-Feb 2001)(Blue orb UFO becomes very evident at 2:37 and UFO disc enters at 5:00) com/watch? v=Di5wan9Rxqs& NR=1 Strange UFO Light Over Drammen, Norway, January 9, 2009 (Video) com/watch? v=nLjVze_ fBDQ Dark Rotating Disc/Cigar UFO Over Norwegian Music Festival, 7-11-09 (Video)”A (weather)-baloon, a paraglider a UFO, or something else? You tell me. Filmed during a music-festival in Norway on July 11, 2009.” – Eyewitness com/watch? v=E1RYMXXJRMQ No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG – www.avg.comVersion: 9.0.717 / Virus Database: 270.14.113/2572 – Release Date: 12/18/09 19:38:00