From: Andrew Johnson
Date: 2007-06-08 16:05:57
Attachments : From Rory Winter C4’s Jon Snow’s MSM complicity in totalitarianizing Britain
In sheer frustration and anger with the lying media-machine, I started this blog a short while after the false-flag bombings in London in July 2005. Nearly two years later, Channel Four TV News decided to broadcast a piece on a recent survey of British Muslims, showing the majority to believe that 7/7 was indeed a false flag operation for which the British government and its secret services were responsible.Watch C4 News Video hereReaders are cautioned that this video of a C4 broadcast is in fact a very subtle piece of disinformation meant to rubbish the survey findings and to further demonize the British Muslim community. However, it has a certain interest value and discerning viewers will be able distinguish between the truths of many of the interviewees and the spin of disinformation added by C4’s editors.Amongst the interviewees you will see Dr Mohammed Naseem, Chairman of the Birmingham Mosque, indefatigable campaigner against the British police state and Londoner, Shaheed Ahmed from the Suspect Paki blog. Fellow Londoner and intrepid blogger, Stef Zucconi, has put up a piece in which, characteristically going for the jugular, he demolishes C4’s weasel words and snide attempt to defame Muslims and the wider community. “Attributing doubts about 7/7 to a sense of alienation on the part of Muslims, misrepresenting Luton CCTV footage, presenting peoples concerns without context, gatekeepers, straw men, loonies and shills,” are the headings he uses to expose the unmitigated bullshit that lies behind this deceitful piece of government-brown-nosing propaganda. “Tonights effort by C4 asserted that there were no grounds for scepticism about 7/7 without actually covering the issues,” he concludes. “The xenophobes in the audience will come away with their belief that Muslims are a bunch of disloyal bastards who hate our government and therefore our country reaffirmed. Non xenophobes will be satisfied with the psychological tosh about alienation and exclusion.”
Informed readers will know of the blatant cover-up by the Bliar (aka Tony Blair) of 7/7 and his give-away refusal to hold an investigation into the events. 7/7 was Britain’s 911 and the motive was just the same: to terrorize and traumatize the public in giving into an NWO agenda. Watch C4 News Video hereRead July Seventh Truth Campaign hereRead J7 Blog here Social bookmark this page
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