Edgar Fouche's Military, and DOD contractors
reference Documents
Edgar Fouche (middle) in Basic Training - 1967
The SAC/DARPA Classified Document
First DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Agency asked that I be
available until 1987) This was in regards to Area 51.
Notice the DoD, Department of Defense seal, and not the USAF or
SAC seal.
Since I was assigned to SAC Hq., DARPA’s request went to them.
This letter is SAC’s (DoD office) response to the request.
The first blackened out part is a classified assignment SCI/:SAP
The second blackened out part is my SSN.
AAR is After Action Request, refers to a classified program.
This was blackened out by me as the specific AAR is classified
The last blackened area is because in has classification
information and is also stamped Top Secret.
And also the name of the senior NCO is blackened out, but
BigPappy, (Danny B), and Mark Hall, Jeremy (alienscientist.com)
Eddie Curry, and Bill Handel and others saw this document before
it was blackened out.
I’m on the thin grey line on this but am willing to post it.”
I thought I had destroyed all my classified documents. This was
a surprise discovery for me.
To most this will not prove or mean anything.
But it shows that DARPA thought I was special and wanted me to
be available until my retirement date.
Another KEY Document
This document shows that Ed Fouche was assigned to
‘Det-3 AFFTC’ which is the organization at the ‘Air Force Flight Test
Center’ responsible for operations at Area 51 Groom Air Base.
Notice the Det-3, AFFTC (Detachment 3 – Air Force
Flight Test Center) which is the group at Edwards AFB which controls all
new Black TS R&D and FOT&E at Area 51 – Groom Air Base). AF Form 77a.
As Ed has stated for 12+ years, he worked at Area
51 while stationed at Nellis AFB in Las Vegas. “I was stationed at
Nellis from 76-79. In the summer of 79 I worked at Groom AB and DARC
(Defense Advanced Research Center). This is right before assignment to
Kadena AFB, Okinawa Japan.”
When you read the write-up on the form 77, you can
see what an exceptional performer TSgt. Fouche was. This is consistent
with his previous documents and also has been verified by Don Waldrop,
California State Director MUFON. Don Waldrop saw this document and about
200 others in 1998.
Many other key personnel from the IUFOC, MUFON,
and BBC Channel 4 also saw these documents.

1968 - OJT Training (On the Job Training)
This is Ed Fouche's OJT Training (On the Job
Training) For his "five level upgrade"
1970 - Training Certificate: Solid State
Filename: TR-FTD Solid State Devices-1970
In the late 60s and early 70s we rapidly transitioned from tube
devices to solid state devices on more modern aircraft’s
avionics systems like the F-111s at the time and the AGE and AIS
(Avionics Intermediate Shops) and the Automatic and Manual Test

You get very basic soldering training at your
basic ‘3’ level technical school.
After you arrive to your first Avionics or
other type electronics shop you get further advanced soldering
techniques at the local FTD (Field Training Detachment) for your
‘5’ level upgrade training.
The last (NASA training course) soldering
training I had as a SSgt ‘7’ level, was for repairing multilevel
circuit cards with surface mounted solid state devices on them.
Some of the training included how to go into a molded electronic
modules and cut away the resin to replace components.
Solid State Devices
Filename: TR-FTD Solid State Devices-1970 In the late 60s and
early 70s we rapidly transitioned from tube devices to solid
state devices on more modern aircraft’s avionics systems like
the F-111s at the time and the AGE and AIS (Avionics
Intermediate Shops) and the Automatic and Manual Test Equipment.
1974 - Integrated Avionics Component
Technicians Course - McDonnell Aircraft Corporation
Edgar Fouche:
When I arrived at Edwards AFB - 6515 TSS - AFFTC, I was assigned
to the F-15 R&D and FOT&E Program. The elite few of us (CADRE)
AFFTC and TAC went TDY (Tempory Duty) to the Mac-Air facility in
St. Charles, Missouri for lenghty training on the AIS (Avionics
Intermediate Shops) Manual, Automatic, and ECM equipment.
McDonnell Aircraft Corporation - Certificate of training - F-15
Eagle Integrated Avionics Component Technicians Course, Feb
1974. The CNI Test Station handled testing, alignment, and
calibration of all the Communications, Navigation, and IFF for
the Eagle. These LRUs (Line Replacable Units) were removed by
flightline avionics experts who worked directly on the aircraft
in hangers and on the flightline. They did periodic tests and if
a pilot or co-pilot had a problem with ANY of functioning
Avionics systems, they would write up the error or problem in
the specific aircraft log books. If a failure was actually
detected and verified by the crew chief or the flight line
technicians they sent the unit into the Avionics Intermediate
Repair (AIS) shops. We'd take the unit and hook it up to either
manual, automatic, or ECM (TEWS-TITE) test stations. Then we
would run tests on these LRUs (which were called UUT - Unit
Under Test while in the AIS) and perfom repair, down to the
component level in many cases, and alignment and calibration as
These ATE or AIS test stations were 6 feet
tall by 2 feet wide, and there were multiple bays of them filled
with their own test equipment, calibration equipment, frequency
counters, ossilliscopes, DVMs, and other built in equipment for
unique testing. One tall rack was called a bay; from four to
seven bays were attached side by side with external cableing
depending on the configuration needed to test the myriad LRUs
from the flightline. Each bay had multiple racks of switching,
routing, test points A removable slied out racks; like a
frequency counter and these removable drawers in the bays were
called a TRUs (Tester Replacable Units). |
1985 - Edgar Fouche SAC Liaison to Industry
Annual Performance Report
1. Name - Edgar A. Fouche
2. Social Security # (Redacted)
3. Grade - MSGT (Master Sergent)
4. DAFSC: Defense
Air Force Specialty Code -
5. Organization, Command, and Location - Bombardment Wg (H), OL OOKE
(SAC) Kelly AFB TX
6. PAS CODE Personnell
Accounting Symbol -
Acronym KEY:
SAC - Strategic Air Command
SA-ALC - San Antonia Air Logistics Center
AFLC - Air Force Logistics Command
AIS/R - Avionics Intermediate Shop Replacement Program Office
QOT&E - Qualification Operational Test and Evaluation
It's interesting to note the perfect reports
Ed Fouche received and read through to comments from his Commanding
Officers who wrote and signed off on the reports speaking very highly of
Ed's Performance.
The first signing officer on this report is
Squadron Leader Robert C. Owen (RAF - Royal Air Force)
You can find a copy of a USAF document authored by (THE OTHER) Col.
Robert C. Owen Here
(at least I don't think they are the same person...
They could be... I haven't looked deeply enough into it)
Col. (Ret.) Robert A. Stier can be founded
listed on This
USAF Donor Report Document on
page 16/37 left hand column in the section $500-$999
Col. (Ret.) Robert A. Stier is also the author of this 1977 Master's
Thesis on An
Investigation into the Nature of Aircraft Supportability in the CILC
MAJOR GENERAL JOHN J. DORAN JR. was Ed Fouche's Boss when he worked as
SAP Liaison to Industry as indicated in the above reports.
Here is a link to the AirForce's Biography on the signing officer MAJOR
1993 - Performance Evaluation and Development
CEA - Computer Engineering Associates (Hauppauge, NY) - Now Possibly Hauppauge
Computer Works???
RFTLTS - Radio
Frequency Line Test System
If you notice this document is signed off by
Col. Barry MacKean who you can look up is an SR-71 Pilot.
Here is a listeing of SR-71
Pilots and you will
notice that Barry MacKean is listed #341
Col. Barry Mackean and his wife who is also a Retired Col. and former
military doctor are now both retired in the Pheonix/Scottsdale area of
Col. Barry Mackean (an SR-71 pilot) was the DOD Contractor, site manager
for CEA. Ed Fouche was a Senior Program Manager under Col. Barry
Here is a link to a source which
shows that Col. Barry McKean (an SR-71 pilot) was indeed assigned to
Kadena AFB, Okinawa Japan, at the SAME time as Edgar Fouche.
1979-June-Nellis-1st Commendation Medal
1982 May - PACAF-1st Meritorious Medal
1982 May - PACAF-1st Meritorious Medal
1987 May - SAC-3rd Meritorious Medal
1987 May - SAC-3rd Meritorious Medal

1983 July - ATC Associates Degree Avionics
1983 May - Command NCO Acad

END of Ed Fouche Documents
More on Mac Air AIS ATE Training: Here is
what an ex-AIS ATE technician has on his resume.
My guess is he was a Staff Sergeant judging by his skills. - Ed
Military Service - Veteran, USAF, F-15
avionics technician. He worked the Automatic shop. His resume
does not indicate he worked either the TEWS-TITE (ECM) shop or
the Manual shop. Over the years the nomenclature of the ATE has
changes as different manufactures have built replacement test
Honorable discharge.
Honeywell AIS Bay 2 Avionics Operations
Inspected, tested, adjusted and repaired complete system of
sophisticated avionics equipment removed from F-15 jet aircraft.
System consisted of over 100 different avionics units such as
Inertial Measurement Unit, Displacement Gyroscope, Head-Up
Display Unit (HUD) and Central Computer. Work was performed at
the technician level.
Operated, programmed, modified,
calibrated, identified malfunctions repaired and certified
entire line of Bendix and Honeywell computerized avionics test
stations. There were five different test stations, approximately
10 feet long by 5 feet high, used for in-shop diagnoses of
electronic malfunctions of the avionics equipment.
Supervised, coordinated and prioritized
activities in the avionics shop to ensure high standards of
technical quality, fulfillment of timetables and deadlines, and
conformance with specifications. Trained technicians on
technical and administrative job requirements. Counseled and
guided subordinates.
Ordered parts using illustrated parts
breakdown manuals; filled orders from forward supply warehouses.
Received and signed for avionics units entering the maintenance
cycle. Scheduled inspection, service and maintenance of avionics
Advanced proficiency with FAPA, a
programming language.
Top Secret Clearance
Page 42.
Tactical Electronic Warfare System Intermediate Service Station
TISS performs intermediate level maintenance support for all of
the F-15 electronic warfare line-replaceable units.
Currently a six-bay system as illustrated
in Figure 5.
Typical F-15 AIS - ATE Layout. TEWS-TITE
not shown as most of it is Top Secret. And an Interesting RAND
Analysis of CONUS Centralized Intermediate
Repair Facilities.
Years later I would be part of a secret
MAJ-COM briefing presented by Mac Air engineers on a holographic
program being developed by them. More on that latter.
We only have 2-3 documents to prove Bob
Lazar worked for the Government...
A W2 (allegedly with the wrong year on it):
Also note the OMB number. The OMB is the Office of Management
and Budget. They have never been a secret organization as Lazar
claims. What does the OMB (Or the IRS for that matter) care
about your Employee Number? If this isn't a dead give-away to
serious document analysists I don't know what is...
Lazar did list his occupation as a "Photo Processor" on Court
Documents from Nevada around the same time... How convenient...
Bob Lazar claims that MAJ stands for Majestic
12 (MJ-12)... If he worked for the DIA he would have a Naval
Intellignce Badge. If he was a civilian and worked at groom as
he claims he would have an EG&G badge.
MAJ could also stand for:
MAJ - MAJor, MAJority, ?
An obscure Id Tag: (Should be an EG&G Badge as they provide
Lazar's Employee number:
If EG&G issued the badge. This is not an original badge but a
composite image someone created. According to federal law and
the security contracts he claimed to sign, he would have had to
turn in all badges, equipment, manuals, and documents he had
obtained through employment at a Top Secret SCI/SAP program. |
And a Los Alamos Phone Book listing his name (proving an
Employee named Bob Lazar had worked there) But there are no
records to prove that he was ever employed a scientist there.
I am still scanning the MIT archives for proof that Bob Lazar
was a student there... Haven't found anything as of yet.