Faul's false ears are considered by some to be the "smoking gun" that Paul McCartney was replaced. Let's take a look at what Paul McCartney's ears looked like first. As you can see, the earlobes were attached.

Now, let us take a look at some pictures of Faul's ears. Sometimes they look unattached, sometimes they look just plain fake.

Paul McCartney & Wings - Mull of Kintyre [live '1977]
Here are some more pictures showing obvious anatomical differences between the ears of Faul and Paul.

...Technically called trago [tragus: http://www.westone.com/content/234.html]. All we have two, one by ear, but the characteristics are different for every human being. ‘In Germany, a recognition procedure craniometric, identification of the right ear is even tantamount to fingerprint, ie the collection of fingerprints,’ recalls Carlesi. But what is trago? It is the small cartilage covered with skin that overhangs the entrance to the ear and ear canal, like the whole ear, cannot be changed surgically. How then to explain the differences between the right ear of Paul McCartney in a previous snapshot to 1966 and probably a built in the late nineties? It is not only to betray trago a different conformation as well as other parts, just above the ear canal entrance, measurements and dell'antelice propeller. Things that ordinary mortals might seem irrelevant or unclear, but instead, every day, allowing the experts to locate and identify persons, bodies, photographs...
"Ask Who Was the 'Beatle,'" http://tinyurl.com/mw83db
This is an interesting picture. It seems that "Paul" on the right has had some Photoshop work done on his ear. Maybe it was for the benefit of people who have noticed differences in the ears? An attempt to change history maybe?
Join the discussion: Paul is Dead: Miss Him forum
EDIT: Here is some information on using ear biometrics to identify people. In this case, the different ears can be used to detect the imposter.
...When employing face or lip as a biometric, changing of their appearance with the expression of the subject creates problem but in case of ear the shape and appearance is fixed.
...Identification by ear biometrics is promising because it is passive like face recognition, but instead of the difficulties to extract face biometrics, it uses robust and simply extracted biometrics like those in fingerprinting. The ear is a unique feature of human beings. Even the ears of “identical twins” differ in some respects. There are persons in crime laboratories that assume that the human external ear characteristics are unique to each individual and unchanging during the lifetime of an adult...Person Identification Using Ear Biometrics
Md. Mahbubur Rahman, Md. Rashedul Islam, Nazmul Islam Bhuiyan, Bulbul Ahmed, Md. Aminul Islam
... All we have two, one by ear, but the characteristics are different for every human being. "In Germany, a recognition procedure craniometrico, identification of the right ear even tantamount to fingerprint, ie the collection of fingerprints," recalls Carlesi. But what trago? It is the small cartilage covered with skin that overhangs the entrance to the ear and ear canal, like the whole ear, not be changed surgically ...ASK WHO WAS THE "BEATLE"
Fabio Gigante Andriola and Alessandra | 15 July 2009
EDIT: A member of Macca's Fun House - a forum with the express purpose of suppressing the Truth about PID - is trying to use this doctored photo as "proof" that Paul's and Faul's ears are "the same." It has been sufficiently proven that the ears were markedly different.
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