The Disclosure Project
- Disclosure Project is a movement to try and disclose the truth, as
told in 1st-hand witness testimony, about the UFO phenomenon.
- Beginning in 1993, Dr Steven Greer, formerly an ER doctor, started
to identify first-hand military and government witnesses to UFO events
and related "intelligence" projects, as well as other evidence,
to be used in a public disclosure.
- By 2000, he had transcripts of testimonies from over 400 of these witnesses
and had videotaped about 100 of them. Over the next year, he compiled all
this into a "usable" form.
- The wide range of testimonies does not simply cover sightings, but
other areas of the controversy, such as involvement in covert projects,
mainly in the USA.
- Though the testimony is quite powerful, Greer has also collected a
number of official documents, some of which have been released under the
Freedom of Information act in the USA. The documents, in many cases, are
used to directly support the validity of the testimony.
- The Disclosure Project Website sells this material in various electronic
formats + a book format (quite expensive to buy from the UK due to shipping
costs), though important parts of it are freely available from the Website
and other sources (such as Majestic Documents
- ADJ became involved in the Disclosure Project in May 2003, after I
had watched the Disclosure Project’s
2001 press conference video – which I had downloaded from the
Website. The video shows the testimony of 21 of the witnesses stating that
the events they recount are true and they are prepared to say so, under
oath, before a US Congressional Hearing.
- This event received minimal coverage in the media. The picture at the
top of this
BBC page is a single frame from a hoaxed UFO Video; why was
it necessary to include this . This
Sunday Express Article is much more balanced.
Historical Background
- As many people know, "the modern era" of the UFO phenomenon
appeared to start in 1947, with the sighting by Kenneth Arnold – a
pilot – of Flying Saucers in the USA.
- Though the events at Roswell, New Mexico are now the stuff of legend
and the USAF’s own supposedly "exhaustive investigation"
report, published
in 1997, and called "Roswell - Case Closed" found no evidence
of a crashed disk, this has not stopped witnesses coming forward to refute
the various "official" stories used to explain the events. The
most recent witness surfaced in April this year. For a good impression
of how some of the people involved were treated, see the TV
Movie "Roswell" (info here)
– this is really a kind of Drama Documentary, not a wholly fictional
account as might be believed. It is likely, however, that the character
of Townsend (Martin Sheen) and the "Reunion" of old personnel
are fictionalised. Be aware, for instance, that Secretary
Forrestal was a real person and he did die in questionable circumstances.
Most (all?) of the other characters such as Colonel
Blanchard and Jesse Marcel and Mac Brazel were real people (all dead
- Some of the "Disclosure" testimony (not in the afore-mentioned
video) maintains that not 1, but at least 2 ET craft crashed in Roswell
around that time (July 1947) and that the craft were in the area, perhaps
because they were monitoring the world’s first nuclear arms storage
- It can be argued that the nature and handling of information about
the Roswell event was in part responsible for the formation, in the USA,
of the National Security Council by President Truman, also in 1947.
- It is claimed by some that successive Presidents have had varying degrees
of knowledge of, and access to, information regarding the UFO phenomenon
- In 1961, Eisenhower
made his farewell address to the nation. "Disclosure" suggests,
because of Witness testimony, that part
of his speech was a warning:
"In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition
of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial
Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists,
and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger
our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted.
Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing
of the huge industrial and military machinery of defence with our peaceful
methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together."
- Later, in the same speech, he says:
"Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been
overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields.
In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead
of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in
the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government
contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For
every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment,
project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely
to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as
we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that
public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific, technological
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate
these and other forces, new and old, within the principles of our democratic
system -- ever aiming toward the supreme goals of our free society."
- It could be argued that he was merely referring to the rising intensity
of the Cold War, although this seems a rather strange way to express such
an idea, and why should he include this in a closing address? Surely he
would urge that the war against communism must be won and the covert projects
would be part of that "war"?
- "Disclosure" testimony maintains that Eisenhower was warning
of the rise in power of the collaboration between large private companies
(such as the Rand Corporation, Rockwell and others) and the military and
the access they had to huge sums of money. It is claimed that Eisenhower
had "lost control" of "black projects" (covert technology
development programmes) to the secret committee and those running the Military
Industrial Complex. Further testimony describes involvement with those
Black Projects in back-engineering elements of technology recovered from
craft such as those at Roswell.
Disclosure Project Aims
- To hold open, secrecy-free hearings on the UFO/Extraterrestrial presence
on and around Earth.
- To hold open hearings on advanced energy and propulsion systems that,
when publicly released, will provide solutions to global environmental
- I would like to ultimately see a public enquiry in the UK, or some
other officially recognized discussion forum. (Current response from local
MP Liz Blackman is still pending… I went to see her in June 2003 and
presented her with a small selection of the evidence I am presenting to
you here.)
What Is "Different" About The
Disclosure Project Compared To Other UFO "Movements"?
- It is based on 1st-hand witness testimony.
- The vast majority, if not all of the witnesses can prove they worked
for significant organisations: Army, Navy, Air Force, National Reconnaissance
Office (NRO), National Security Agency (NSA).
- Many witnesses have documents, tapes etc to support their testimony
(such as John Callahan).
- Testimony corroborates regarding nature of certain events and their
timing. e.g. particularly that of Lt. Colonel Dwynne Arneson (US Air Force)
and Captain Robert Salas (US Air Force)
- The Press Conference Video and "Disclosure" video show each
person telling their own story, stating their willingness to tell it, under
oath, before the US Congress.
- The witnesses have not been paid to tell their stories.
- The scale of the project seems far greater than previous efforts of
this type.
But What Is The Reason For The Cover-Up?
- "Disclosure" Testimony makes the link between UFOs and advanced
technology. (If one accepts that some UFOs are real ET craft, then it seems
clear they don’t run on petrol or "fossil fuel"!) If one
accepts that craft have crashed and have been recovered by the military
then it is likely they are in possession of advanced technologies. 2 such
technologies are those of anti-gravity propulsion and "free energy".
US Air Force, NRO Operative, Sergeant Dan Morris - UFOs are
both extraterrestrial and manmade…It’s not that our government
doesn’t want us to know that there are other people on other planets.
What the people in power don’t want us to know is that this free energy
[from energy generators developed with UFO technology] is available to
everybody. So secrecy about the UFOs is because of the energy issue. When
this knowledge is found out by the people, they will demand that our government
release this technology, and it will change the world.
- Cover-up of events – seems to have worked in various ways. A number
of witnesses report that where a group of them had "an experience",
the group was split up or sworn to secrecy – often with threats being
made (of various kinds). Many witnesses who have talked openly about their
experiences have been ridiculed and/or demoted (Robert Jacobs, Colonel
Halt, Alan Godfrey)
But Where Is The Real Evidence?
Are The Witnesses Just Wrong?
- Diverse evidence is included, for example, with John Callahan’s
Testimony (refer to documents) – documents, radar tapes and voice
recordings. Colonel Halt also
has audio recordings of some of the events in 1980.
- I prefer to look upon this matter as in the form of the court case.
Many court cases are won and lost on Witness Testimony alone and are not
"scientifically proved" one way or the other. I find the evidence
that "Disclosure" presents most compelling – more than enough
to "win" the case for me.
- It is said that people who study for themselves, objectively and with
an open mind, all the evidence presented, change from being hardened sceptics
to people who believe UFOs have "objective reality". Perhaps
the most widely known case of this is that of Dr J Allen Hynek who was
employed on the USAF "Project Blue Book" in the 1960’s (See
this essay he wrote shortly before his death - starts on page 27 of this
document). He perhaps had a similar "change of view" to that
of Wilbert
Smith, a prominent Canadian Government Radio Engineer in the 1950’s.
- Certain video clips of some objects now available on the internet are
also compelling (although others are often still laughable).
- Documents from the 40’s to the 90’s seem to provide evidence
that more is known than is publicly admitted.
- I believe other evidence exists, but it is in the possession of people
involved in Black Projects.
How Can ET’s Be Here?
- The Astronomer/cosmologist Frank Drake was one of the first people
to try and work out the probability of Intelligent Life evolving in the
vast Universe and he formulated the "Drake Equation". This basically
suggested a probability of 1. But, in this vast Universe, how would that
life ever find the insignificant blip called Earth?
- Current estimates suggest there are 100 billion stars just in our galaxy,
that there may be 100 billion galaxies and the universe might be 12-15
billion years old. Latest figures for the Drake Equation result in an estimate
of between 10 and 10,000 communicative civilizations in the Milky Way alone
The earth is thought to be about 4 billion years old. If we say it took
5 billion years for any intelligent life to evolve and become space-faring,
some civilisations, if they survived, could be 3-6 billion years in advance
of us. (In
July 2003, the Space Telescope Science Institute reported finding a planet
in our milky way that is thought to be 13 billion years old).
- In the last 12 years or so, 100 extra-solar planets have been discovered
(although these are all "gas-giants, like the planet Jupiter and therefore
probably lifeless) – what will we ("officially") discover
in the next 100 years?
If UFO’s are real and some are ET’s,
Why are they Here?
- In many cases, they appear to be "observers". When we, as
people, go out and observe wildlife, we are very careful to be quiet and
not take actions to scare the animals we are trying to study - we go into
a bird hide etc. We don't want to interfere or disrupt their way of life,
because we will then not be able to observe it happening! Isn't this behaviour
consistent with the way witnesses describe UFOs/ET craft behaving on many
occasions - flitting in and out of view and never staying very long?
- Also, many of us do try to help injured animals or those in danger.
If you see a dog about to run out in front of a car and harm itself, what
do you do? If you believe Robert Salas's testimony (which is in the press
conference video), it seems to suggest that the ET craft was de-activating
the missiles at the base in an effort to prevent us harming ourselves,
or showing us what they could do.
- One of the possible messages which seems evident is "Don’t
Mess With Nuclear Weapons".
US Air Force, FAA, Captain Robert Salas - [The security guard
called and] said, "Sir, there’s a glowing red object hovering
right outside the front gate. I’ve got all the men out here with their
weapons drawn." We lost between 16 to 18 ICBMs [nuclear-tipped Inter
Continental Ballistic Missiles] at the same time UFOs were in the area….[A
high-ranking Air Force Officer] said, "Stop the investigation; do
no more on this and do not write a final report."
US Air Force Lieutenant, Professor Robert Jacobs – [In
the 1960’s he was in the Air Force. He was the officer in charge of
optical instrumentation and his job was to film ballistic missile tests
launched from Vandenberg Air Force base in California. In 1964, during
a test of the first missile they filmed, they caught on film a UFO travelling
right next to the missile.] So this thing [UFO] fires a beam of light at
the warhead, hits it and then it moves to the other side and fires another
beam of light. And the warhead tumbles out of space. What message would
I interpret from that? [The UFOs were telling us] don’t mess with
nuclear warheads. Major Mannsman said, "You are never to speak of
this again." After an article [about the incident years later], people
would call and start screaming at me. One night somebody blew up my mailbox.
Why Don’t The ET’s Reveal
- I don’t know – but again, through an analogy, when you watch
wildlife, would you jump in front of an animal (even an "advanced
one") and shout "Hey, I’m a human and I’m great cos
I can talk and wear a digital watch and stuff!"
- Some people say ET’s will not reveal themselves until the bulk
of us accept them as a reality rather than a fantasy.
If The Craft Exist And Are Advanced, Why
Have They Crashed?
- It seems that the object that crashed at Roswell may have done so during
a thunderstorm.
- Disclosure Witnesses, in certain cases, describe how hostile actions
have been taken to bring them down (for instance, using high powered radar
beams which interfere with the crafts’ guidance systems).
- In some cases, it appears to be down to "pilot error" –
they are piloted by beings – who are as mortal as we are.
"Having Reviewed the Material You
Have Presented, I am still not convinced."
That’s fine – at least you have had chance to consider what
I regard as new and important information and you have come to an opinion.
You can carry on as before, no problem! However, I would say that you are
at least that bit more prepared for when Official Disclosure is made –
perhaps some time in the next 50 years. (Difficult to judge as it depends
on so many unknowns).
"Having Reviewed the Material You
Have Presented, I am convinced I need to do something. What should
I do?"
Share the information on this CD with anyone who is interested. Write
to your MP – do anything, in a positive way, to raise the profile of
this topic and help to get it where it belongs – the number 1 topic
on the political and social agenda over the coming years – because
it influences everything.