Take Action!

So, if you realise the gravity of the situation, what can you do? If you want, you can become a DP Representative (it doesn't cost anything) - see www.disclosureproject.org, or make a donation via the Disclosure Project's Website. Do anything to raise the profile of this of this subject (in a good way).

One thing you can do is write to your local MP (or other political representative if that's not what you call them where you live!)... In the UK, use.


One person who did this below did actually get a decent response - see below!


  1. Select and copy this page (CTRL-A, CTRL-C)
  2. If you are UK-based, Click the link above, enter your POSTCODE and follow the instructions. When you get to the page where you type your letter, paste the text in.
  3. Edit the text as required. Please add your name and contact details before sending.
  4. Click "Submit" or "Send" to FAX the letter to your MP.

If the FAXing doesn't work (it doesn't always seem to be operational), find your MP's name using the page above then use this page:


to find their contact details and either post or e-mail the edited letter. Additionally, if you note down a FAX number from the Guardian page, you can then use this page:


To use the Demon e-mail to FAX service (free). (The page is used to generate a correctly formatted e-mail for sending to the FAX service).

Thanks for your efforts!



Dear ###


It has recently come to my attention that there is a very important matter that is not being given the attention it deserves, for a number of reasons. People regard it as either a curiosity or an irrelevance and consider those that disagree with this view as either strange or mad. This has happened because of a deliberate campaign of ridicule and mis-information, which has continued for about 55 years.

I am now writing to bring this matter to your attention and, though it may seem a complete waste of time to you, I am asking you to study this matter and come to an informed opinion. Unfortunately, most people in your position, and those around you, are almost completely uninformed about this matter (because the mis-information campaign has been so successful) and therefore are either completely unaware of it or are not interested and so do not deal with it appropriately. Please read on.

The Disclosure Project, headed by Dr. Steven Greer, is dedicated to informing Heads of State, Legislators and the General Populace in the U.S. and abroad on issues surrounding the looming fossil fuel and energy crisis we are and will be facing in the very near future. We must find alternative fuel and energy sources, which do not pollute and destroy Earth's delicate ecosystems, as current methods are in the process of doing. Of course, there are a number of significant environmental groups already engaged in similar activities.

Disclosure Project however, is different. Mounting evidence taken from the direct testimony of over 500 military, government and other witnesses, Dr Greer and his associates have identified, suggests that in black budget government projects we already have in our possession information on sources and technology for abundant energy production, which is being suppressed. It is time to stop this cover-up!

The recorded testimony of our witnesses supports strong evidence of the existence of an UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. The testimony includes internal UFO-related government projects and covert activities, space-based weapon programs, and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system projects. These technologies, when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide solutions to global, environmental and security challenges.

(If you are quietly chuckling to yourself at this point thinking "get real", please watch for yourself the press conference video at http://www.disclosureproject.org/ to see some of the people involved. The most common reaction is to not take this matter seriously - regarding it either as a joke, a scam or the product of an "over-active imagination". To arrange a free viewing of this video, please use the contact details at the end of this message.)

These witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional Hearings in the USA. Without a grant of immunity releasing them from their security oaths, many such unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out.

On May 9, 2001, the Disclosure Project held an unprecedented news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Twenty courageous men and women with various military and government backgrounds came forward before the world and testified to the issues I mentioned above. Unfortunately, this event went largely unnoticed and to find out the reasons for this, please see the Web Site above, or use the contact details below.

I encourage you to pursue this matter further. The technologies that are being suppressed will play a vital role in our future. This subject and the related information need to be put on the political platform and not treated with disdain. Special action is required, because of the nature of this subject.

If you require further information, please see http://www.disclosureproject.org/, or contact Derby-based Disclosure Project Volunteer, Andrew Johnson via e-mail ad.johnson@ntlworld.com or telephone 01332 674271 and he will gladly discuss this with you further and supply as much additional information as is possible.

Please treat this matter seriously and do not consider it an irrelevance - it will be to the detriment of us all if you do.

Thank you for reading and, in advance, for your considered response.

Yours Sincerely,

A friend of mine took the trouble to send out some a letter and some DVDs to both the Prime Minister and his local MP. His letter and the responses are shown below!

Mr. Nicholas Jedrzejewski

Dear Sir/Madam,

It has recently come to my attention that there is a very important matter that is not being given the attention it deserves, for a number of reasons. People regard it as either a curiosity or an irrelevance and consider those that disagree with this view as either strange or mad. This has happened because of a deliberate campaign of ridicule and mis-information, which has continued for about 60 years.

I am now writing to bring this matter to your attention and, though it may seem a complete waste of time to you, I am asking you to study this matter and come to an informed opinion. Unfortunately, most people in your position, and those around you, are almost completely uninformed about this matter (because the mis-information campaign has been so successful) and therefore are either completely unaware of it or are not interested and so do not deal with it appropriately. Please read on.

The Disclosure Project, headed by Dr. Steven Greer, is dedicated to informing Heads of State, Legislators and the General Populace in the U.S. and abroad on issues surrounding the looming fossil fuel and energy crisis we are and will be facing in the very near future. We must find alternative fuel and energy sources, which do not pollute and destroy Earth's delicate ecosystems, as current methods are in the process of doing. Of course, there are a number of significant environmental groups already engaged in similar activities.

Disclosure Project however, is different. Mounting evidence taken from the direct testimony of over 500 military, government and other witnesses, Dr Greer and his associates have identified, suggests that in black budget government projects we already have in our possession information on sources and technology for abundant energy production, which is being suppressed. It is time to stop this cover-up!

The recorded testimony of our witnesses supports strong evidence of the existence of an UFO/Extraterrestrial presence on and around Earth. The testimony includes internal UFO-related government projects and covert activities, space-based weapon programs, and covert, reverse-engineered energy and propulsion system projects. These technologies, when publicly released within a planned transition period, will provide solutions to global, environmental and security challenges.

(If you are quietly chuckling to yourself at this point thinking "get real", please watch for yourself the press conference video on the DVD I have sent you. To see some of the people involved. The most common reaction is to not take this matter seriously - regarding it either as a joke, a scam or the product of an "over-active imagination".

These witnesses constitute only a small portion of a vast pool of identified present or former military, intelligence, corporate, aviator, flight control, law enforcement officers, scientists and other witnesses, who will come forward when subpoenaed to testify at Congressional Hearings in the USA. Without a grant of immunity releasing them from their security oaths, many such unimpeachable witnesses fear to speak out.

On May 9, 2001, the Disclosure Project held an unprecedented news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. Twenty courageous men and women with various military and government backgrounds came forward before the world and testified to the issues I mentioned above. Unfortunately, this event went largely unnoticed and to find out the reasons for this, please see the Web Site above, or use the contact details below.

I encourage you to pursue this matter further. The technologies that are being suppressed will play a vital role in our future. This subject and the related information need to be put on the political platform and not treated with disdain. Special action is required, because of the nature of this subject.

If you require further information, please see http://www.disclosureproject.org/, or contact Northampton-based CSETI Volunteer, Nicholas Jedrzejewski via e-mail Nicholas.Jedrzejewski@ntlworld.com or telephone ********  or *********** and he will gladly discuss this with you further and supply as much additional information as is possible.

Please treat this matter seriously and do not consider it an irrelevance - it will be to the detriment of us all if you do.

Thank you for reading and, in advance, for your considered response.


I have included 4 DVD’s. Please have a look at them and then reply to this letter.

DVD 1 - NPC DVD (National Press Club Washington Video)


Campaign for Disclosure Witnesses Panel

National Press Club Washington, DC

Originally Broadcast Live on Wednesday, May 9, 2001

On Wednesday, May 9th, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, according to Dr. Steven M. Greer, director of the Disclosure Project which hosted the event.

DVD 2 - The Disclosure Project 2 Hour Witness DVD


This 2 hour DVD is a distillation of over 120 hours of video interviews made by Dr Greer. Dozens of highly credible military and government witnesses discuss UFO events and projects they have worked on, with introductory and overview commentary by Dr. Greer. The DVD is divided into sections and is an excellent item to have and show to others, to get a full understanding of what the Project is about. It is more informative to see this video prior to seeing the May 9th Press Conference DVD.

Sections covered in this DVD are:

·            Secrecy Risks: what are the global risks if we do nothing

·    Human Witness Testimony: dozens of witness testimonies that are real and shouldn't be ignored.

·    Witness testimony to nuclear weapons that were sent into space and destroyed by UFOs.

·            Astronaut and Satellite Related Testimonials

·    Craft and Body Retrieval of Extraterrestrial Origin Secrecy Examined: how it works through the unacknowledged special access projects and compartmentalization. i.e. How some members of our Governments are kept in the dark.

·    The Secrecy behind Space Based Weapons: its lethal implications.

·    Threats and Ridicule: suffered by those wishing to disclose the truth.

·    Why the Secrecy: and why it is no longer necessary.

DVD 3 - Secrecy Is Terrorism DVD By Dr. Steven Greer

Dr. Greer talks about the Disclosure Project and tells of his experiences. This footage was filmed at the X-Conference.


DVD 4 - The Untold History Of The Disclosure Project DVD

As DVD 3 Dr. Greer talks about behind the scenes at the Disclosure Project and his experiences.

Our Web Site: "http://www.disclosureproject.org/"

 Yours Sincerely,


~Nick~ (CSETI)


 The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence is an international nonprofit scientific research and education organization dedicated to the furtherance of our understanding of extraterrestrial intelligence. CSETI was founded in 1990 by Dr. Steven M. Greer, who is the International Director. CSETI's projects include the "http://www.cseti.org/ce5.htm" and the "http://www.disclosureproject.org". In 2001 Dr. Greer formed the company "http://www.seaspower.com" , to identify and test "zero point energy" devices.


Here are the responses!